Xeriscaping in Bowie
Your turf lawn demands more resources, especially water, then the rest of your property. Although people have preferred the aesthetic of a traditional lawn for generations, xeriscaping is now catching on as an attractive and cost-saving alternative that’s helping to preserve the natural environment. With the proper design, your dry landscaping won’t have to look much different than a traditional landscaping.
How to Create Your New Bowie Yard
To get started, take your project in small, easy to manage steps. Start with a small area of your yard and remove the turf, such as a few feet along the driveway, and plant some ground cover like small shrubs or perennials. These will absorb the water that would be running onto the pavement and ending up in the gutter. Next, any sloped areas of your property can be replaced with a rock garden. As your project moves into the broader areas of the yard, you will have to begin zoning, which means placing your foliage according to water and sunlight needs. Zoning keeps your watering to a minimum and saves you money, since the same groups of plants will need the same amount of water. Place mulch around your shrubs and flowers to help conserve moisture.
Our Experts Will Provide Tips and Ideas on Xeriscaping
Your project will require drought resistant native plants that can thrive in many soil types. Some of the best grasses you can use are maiden grass, blue fescue and northern sea oats. Depending on your tastes, you can choose several design options:
- Row. Form rows with the tallest plants in the back, and the shortest in front. In between rows you can place grasses and flowering plants and shrubs. There should be enough room between rows for the sun to reach the leaves and stems, but not the roots of the plants.
- Clump and Scatter. This is a good design for areas that a fully exposed to the sun; plants that love plenty of light are placed in concentric circles radiating out from a center point.
- Rock Garden. Xeriscape is quite complimentary to this design. If you have slopes or terraces, put the most drought-resistant plants at the top in clumps, not lines. Plants that need the most water should be placed at the lowest levels to catch drainage.
- Monochrome Rock Garden. This design uses only non-flowering plants that have green and gray leaves; the plants are arranged to appreciate the variation in textures.
- Handkerchief Lawn. This is a great design for small plots. Remove all the turf and plant a drought resistant grass like maidenhair. Then place a variety of flowering plants such as iris, lavender and coneflowers around the grass as a border.
Design Concepts for Xeriscaping
EW Lawn Care Service LLC is available to help you decide which plants will work best on your property, and what zones to use to plant them. You can find plenty of resources from us, from irrigation kits to garden equipment. With our guidance, your design plan will easier to follow and you will experience fewer problems. Take a look at what we can offer you before starting this venture, and you will never look back.